Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Aaron Meets Moses and They Go To The Israelites -- Exodus 4:27-31

Now the Lord said to Aaron, “Go to meet Moses in the wilderness.” So he went and met him at the mountain of God and kissed him.   Moses told Aaron all the words of the Lord with which He had sent him, and all the signs that He had commanded him to do.  Then Moses and Aaron went and assembled all the elders of the sons of Israel; and Aaron spoke all the words which the Lord had spoken to Moses. He then performed the signs in the sight of the people.  So the people believed; and when they heard that the Lord was concerned about the sons of Israel and that He had seen their affliction, then they bowed low and worshiped.

Much earlier in this chapter, at the verse 14 point, God tells Moses his brother Aaron is coming to meet him in the wilderness and he will be glad to see him.  And so it happens, just as God arranged and foretold Moses.  The text says they met at the “mountain of God” and there kissed as brothers.  This “mountain” because of how the text refers to it, is likely the same mountain that God had just met with Moses and tried to kill him (see earlier discussion on previous verses to this passage).  The implication is that either Aaron had made great haste to get there, or God had already got him going towards Moses before His meeting and dealing with Moses’ sin of omission.  The mountain is said to be Mt. Sinai in the Horeb range of mountains.  In case you are wondering about the “brotherly” kiss, do keep in mind that they had not seen each other for forty years as we are told in Acts 7:29,30.
Whatever was between God and Moses, God considered it all taken care of.  And God had even arranged for welcoming arms of the person who would help Moses in his task.  Now, what was left was for Moses, with Aaron’s help, to carry out all that God had instructed him to do.

He begins by telling Aaron all that God had said – what the mission was, what tools were available, and how it was going to be carried out.  Because Moses had followed the instructions perfectly, we read of no ‘flack’ from Aaron; he was totally committed.

Together, knowing their roles, they went to the people of Israel as represented through their elders from the various tribes.  Keep in mind that they needed to “assemble” them all together, first.  This could have taken days or longer.  Their numbers were great and the distances some elders had to travel could have been significant, not to mention they didn’t have cellphones with which to text each other.  Once that was accomplished, Aaron shared what God had said to Moses and Moses performed the signs that God had empowered him with in order that the Israelites would accept his authority.  This was crucial as he had left as a man forty years younger and was only now returning to his people.

[As I wrote that last sentence immediately above, an interesting thought came to my mind.  Is Moses the first of many over the ages who have this strong urge to return to their people and do ministry among them?  I have heard of many Christians who may have emigrated to a new land with their parents while they themselves were young; and then many years later, they were called to be full-time missionaries ‘back home’ among their own people.  I think God works that way, moving His workers about the earth for training and then assigning them often to their homeland where they would be most effective.]

Once again, we note, because God’s instructions were followed to the letter, there was no argument from the people of Israel.  The text says they simply believed.  And furthermore, it says, when they heard about the heart of God for them, they “bowed low and worshipped”.  No ifs, buts, or whys.

What are the lessons for us?  First, when God gives us instructions, we are not to try and improve on them.  They come from the master strategist who controls all things.  Our plan and our way is not better;  but it is the ‘best’ when it follows His plan and His way.

Second, when God sends us a messenger or two, and shares His heart with us telling us how much He loves you and me, do we listen, do we believe, and do we bow low and worship Him?  It is important for the Christian to be constantly open to a message from God – through His Word, or His servants (that is in keeping with His Word).  And we are to have our own souls touched by it.  We are to be moved by God’s love for us.  And then we are to “bow low” and worship Him through praise and service and total commitment to His plans for our lives.  It is my prayer today that you have the capacity by which to do that regularly.

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