Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Insanity of latest report on Iran's Nuclear Plans.

Please feel free to read the the article in the attached link and if you believe it, I am sure there are a number of good real estate agents that really do have a deal for you in Florida.

Here is a new report that says, "all is well; don't worry; Iran isn't interested yet in building nuclear weapons". Really. How stupid do they think the average North American reader is?

First of all the report was sponsored and paid for by a grant from the U.S. Institute (now get this) Of Peace. Why would they pay or want to lead the world to believe that Iran wants anything but peace?  They wouldn't.  As sponsors of the report, they got what they wanted.

But here's the part I love. The article quotes from the report: "Although Iran is engaged in nuclear hedging, no evidence has emerged that the regime has decided to build nuclear weapons."

Wait, what this is saying is this: When Iran decides it will build a nuclear weapon it will publish it on Facebook or what have you. How stupid would that be? It's to Iran's advantage to keep threatening they will, and secretly actually doing so.

Here is more insanity in the very next paragraph of the article.

"Such a decision (that is to actually build a nuclear weapon) may be unlikely to occur until Iran is first able to augment its enrichment capability to a point where it would have the ability to make weapon-grade uranium quickly and secretly. . ." So what does this seem to be saying? Well, let's see, I think it says, "we'll know they've made the decision to build a nuclear weapon when they are capable of, get this now, "secretly" making weapon-grade uranium quickly (and secretly)." Ah, of course, they're not going to tell us they can 'secretly' make weapon-grade uranium (quickly) and thus we'll never know that they made the decision to make nuclear weapons. How stupid. How insane. Yet our western governments, especially Obama's, swallow it hook, line and sinker.

I don't make this up. It's right here. . . take a look. And then scream.  This report is all linked in to re-electing Obama.   But worse than that, if it is believed -- civilization may not be around to debate it's accuracy afterwards.

ISIS report: Iran won't move tow... JPost - Iranian Threat - News:

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