Sunday, December 18, 2011

Wondering what a Catholic School Board Does with Sex Education & Homosexuality?

Recently I wrote a blog about what the Toronto District School Board is telling their teachers they must teach your children and grandchildren about six different genders.  Well, a good friend of mine read my blog and sent me a very different picture of what is going on in the Catholic School systems -- in the same district of Toronto mind you.  But I bet that your district's Catholic schools have a much similar approach.  The stark difference will astound you.   Here, with names and other I.D. taken out, I'm sharing with you what he had to say.   Remember, he's an excellent, knowledgeable (as you'll see from what he adds) and committed Catholic and I'm the Protestant that sends my grandchildren to public schools.   He writes:

"As I mentioned to you, my daughter goes to her constitutionally established, publicly funded, religious education school. The TCDSB website is at: and you can use the search to see what they’ve got.

"Here’s a link to the Board’s Religious Education/Family Life page: Lots of interesting stuff for you there. The program used in the elementary schools is called “Fully Alive” and one of the early topics is “God created us male and female”. We don’t seem to have the 6 genders which the public board has.

"One of the interesting things is a sex ed curriculum from XYZ high school which is the boys school on ABC avenue just west of DEF avenue. Here’s the link (and you can figure out the school from that): (Read especially paragraphs or items 101 and 102.)  Nothing near what the TDSB is advocating.

"Here’s the Catechism of the Catholic Church on homosexuality: (Read especially paragraphs or items 2357-2359.)  Despite what some may say this is the definitive teaching of the Church. You can see the catechism at the Vatican website here: but it has a crummy search capability.

"I don’t live under the illusion that people identifying themselves as Catholic Christians follow Church teaching fully. We’re supposed to.  We separate ourselves from the Church if we don’t but some people make that choice. They’re called the “cafeteria Catholics” because they pick and choose which parts of Church teaching they’ll follow. I’m sure we have some teachers who would love to have programs reflecting those in the public board but thankfully they don’t carry the day. We discuss family/health/sexuality issues with our children and they've got a wonderfully formed education and conscience in these areas. They know that homosexuals exist, we don’t  know why they’re homosexuals, they’re people created in the image and likeness of God and we are called to love them. They also know that the acts are wrong if only from the point that God created life and only in the union of man and woman can we participate in that creation."

And then he gives me a sincere wish, "Good luck with the grand kids."  I can only say, I'll need more than luck.   No wonder people are doing everything they can to get their kids into the Catholic school system, at least in Ontario.

[Are you looking for a speaker at your church, your club, school, or organization? Ken is available to preach, teach, challenge, and/or motivate. Please contact us.]

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