Friday, December 23, 2011

Christians in MIddle East Like Aliens from Mars.

A must read account by Steve Huntley in the Chicago Sun-Times.  He shares how over the years more and more Christians have fled the Middle East where religious freedom continues to ebb.  It's really bad in Saudi Arabia with a death sentence being one's reward for conversing on Christianity.   Arab Spring was no 'liberation party' for Christians.  The only thing released for them was the right to be be murdered.

And then there's the election results that followed in Egypt -- 60% plus for Muslim Brotherhood or worse.  Israel's West Bank and the Gaza Strip had Christians making up 5.3% of the population in 1970 and now it's less than half of that.  And where Jesus was born, Bethlehem -- the Christian population went from almost 100% to 33% in just 35 years.

Sharia Law is being applied against Christians everywhere in those parts, including Iraq and Iran.  Get the details in the article in the link.

And don't miss the article's closing paragraph.  It identifies Islam for what it is -- "political, revolutionary Islamism" that has no use for religious freedom.

As a result, Christians are running for their lives but so far, especially with America tolerating this behavior they way they have been, I see no safe place for them to go.  But maybe that's all in God's plans for us.  After all, "He is our (only) refuge and our strength."

Christians are under fire in the historic Holy Land - Chicago Sun-Times

 [Are you looking for a speaker at your church, your club, school, or organization? Ken is available to preach, teach, challenge, and/or motivate. Please contact us.]

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