Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Afternoon Odds and Ends Re-cap on April 6, 2011

Libya's government yesterday said it was willing to talk about and negotiate changes to how the country operates and other social reforms but Colonel Gaddafi must stay to avoid a vacuum of power as in Somalia and Iraq.  Well, there you go.  Another big success for the allies who said "Gaddafi must go."

Egypt's military has said they will prevent militant Islamists from taking over.  Really, they actually think they can do this.  Amazing.

Palestinian Vote At the U.N. Here's how I understand the vote requirement for this issue to go at the U.N.  The Security Council makes a recommendation to the General Assembly.  But it is likely the U.S. will veto the Security Council's decision and thus no recommendation goes to the General Assembly.  So, now the General Assembly can either act legally -- take no vote; or act illegally and take its vote on a Palestinian State.  The majority of General Assembly members would vote in favor of a Palestinian State if they had a chance to vote.

Education and Religion in Quebec.  The Canadian Council of Christian Charities writes: "In September, 2008, the Province of Quebec changed the religious education curriculum, requiring all students from first grade to the end of high school to take a course each year entitled, Ethics and Religious Culture.  The course surveys all religions, treating Christianity on par with all other religions.  No religion is permitted to be presented as more desirable than any other.  The course is mandatory for all public and private schools.  Even religiously based private schools are not permitted to teach a religion course contradicting Ethics and Religious Culture."  Some Christian parents have objected that they cannot remove their children from this program.  It's now going to court and the CCCC's are intervening in support of the parents.  We'll be watching this one.

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