Sunday, January 04, 2009

Faulty Thought: Hockey Fights

On Friday, January 2, 2009, Whitby (Ontario, Canada) Dunlops hockey player Don Sanderson, age 21, died. That was three weeks after hitting his head on the ice after a fight during a game. His helmet had come off his head prior to hitting the ice. In commenting on the tragic death, one person -- I believe it was the team's coach -- said something to the effect that we must find a way to keep helmets from coming off heads. How totally inane. How about finding a way to stop fighting in hockey games instead? Did that choice ever come to anybody's mind? Probably not, or if it did, it was soon laid to rest when compared to the sick fans and the revenue they provide that would be lost. I don't see "fighting" anywhere in the official playing rules of the game unless of course there is reference on how to stop them once they begin. Just more evidence of what's wrong with our thinking today.

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